Monday, January 21, 2008

Today Belongs to My Child

Today I will take my own good advice. I am blessed to have the day off from work. I could spend it on the computer, in front of the tv, cleaning, grading papers, or a number of other busy ways. Instead, I will take this 5 minutes to blog and then the rest of the day will belong to my daughter. Yes, I still might get some cleaning done, but it will be with her. We like to do our 15 minute de-clutter together (Fly Lady style). We might go room to room setting the timer and getting some of our mess together, we might mop a floor together, but it will be fun! To my daughter, it is fun time with mommy and she feels good to help. I will also choose a few things from my own Fun list (on the right side of this page). She would love to build a tent or play checkers. I'll let her choose. Maybe she'll come up with something new. Everything else around here can wait. I know that my chores will still be here tomorrow, my emails will still be waiting, the Internet will still look the same, and certainly all of the television re-runs will be at my disposal again tomorrow. What I will have lost is this day to spend with my baby and I can not get that back. Now that is when time actually is precious.

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